Saturday, September 16, 2017

2017-18 Dance Season has officially begun!

School is back in session and so is Dance!

It is an exciting time....seeing who is on the team(s); what songs might be "the song"; and just simply getting into the schedule for the season.  So far so good!

I am getting my girl to her classes on time.  It isn't easy since two of her classes begin at 4:30 and I don't get off work until 4:15.  We are making it though.  My daughter changes while I finish up "bus duty." (Yep...I am a teacher...blessed for what time I get off work and the fact the studio is only 5 minutes from the school.  Don't understand how other moms do it!?)

Making friends at the studio has been a blessing for my daughter and myself as well.  I have had a couple moms volunteer over the summer to pick up my girl for those early classes since their daughters are also at my school and they are going to the same place, etc... So I really appreciate these amazing "Dance Moms" that are at the studio.  I haven't had to take them up on it yet; however, it is so nice that if I get called to a meeting or just simply there is no way I can get her there...I can count on these ladies.

My girl has 6 classes one week and then 7 classes on the opposite weeks.  (One dance is only every other week.)  Due to the fact she is in only team classes...(and you all know this)...I can not discuss details of any of her classes.  Sometimes this is the hardest part....confidentiality of the dance team life.  :-)  It can be great for us all as well.  We live in a world of "over sharing" so this dance "no no" is a good way to be the "old normal."  At least I feel that way.  Just get to watch her dance and chat with other moms and dads about the day without picking up the phone to snap a pic of every move.  LOL  :-)

Happy Dance Mommin' out there!
Sorry to cut this's the weekend and this mom just wants to relax. 

Dance Mommin' Melanie

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Makeup Products that are must haves for Dance!

Makeup Must Haves

I learned a lot (not everything...for sure) about makeup and hair last competition season.  I definitely feel more prepared for this year.  Of course, I do not yet know the Hair Style requirements yet.  :-)  (Praying it will be easy for me but I also love learning how to do new things.)

I learned when preparing to put makeup on my tiny dancer that primer was important for the eyelids to keep the eye shadow in place and go on smoother.  

Here is a favorite from Avon:  
 Eyeshadow Primer

Another fabulous item I just never got to purchase last year because I got the advice kinda late into the dance comp season is Makeup Setting Spray!  I have already purchased mine for my girl for this upcoming season.  Can't wait to use it as it takes sooo long to get all that makeup on.  Nice to know I have something to set it and keep the makeup in place!
Do you have your setting spray yet?  
Check it out here:

 Makeup Setting Spray

I will blog some more about Hair and Makeup in upcoming posts but I will leave it at these two fave must haves for dancers now.  I will add my fave Hair Spray is by Big Sexy (c) and it is the Spray and Play(c).  It was also recommended to use the Big Sexy (c) Powder Play (c). (I am not associated with Big Sexy just an excited customer that loves their products.)

Until next time...if you would like to search my Avon eStore and help a Dance Mom out or become an Avon Rep yourself and Join my team!  We can Dance Mom and Avon as a Team! (Reference if asked: MelanieR) 

Email with Questions to:

Visit my eStore 24/7:

Until Next Time:
Stay Strong Dance Moms...Keep on Dance Mommin'
A new Season STARTS This week for us!!! Yay!  6-7 classes per week for my tiny 7 year old dancer.  We are excited!

Dance Mom Melanie