Monday, February 26, 2018

My Girl's Competition Rolling Garment Dance Bag

Check out my daughter's latest YouTube Video...finally a "dance video!"  :-)  This video is how much she gets into her Dream Duffel (not sponsored and I do not represent this company; however, I love their products).  She has the small.  I am afraid after this season we will need to upgrade to the Medium!  Any thoughts on the Dream Duffel sizes and what you use for your dancer?  How many costumes and items do you fit into your rolling garment bag?  Do you use another brand?  This Dance Mom is "all ears!"  I am always looking to make competition time as easy and smooth as possible. Also, the less bags, the better! LOL

Thank you for your comments on this!  Seriously, could use any advice!  This is just my second year as a competition "Dance Mom."

Without further is the video:  (it is always helpful for my girl for fellow dancers/dance moms to "like, share, view, subscribe (hit the bell), and comment" on any of her videos!  Are you a youtuber too?  Let me know in the comments so I can follow and all the above!  :-)

Keep Calm and Dance Mom On! 

This Dance Mom at Comp Time! 

Dance Mommin' Melanie